Classic Hondas on the Dragon III - No Honda Left Behind

The kindness of those who attend this event was really the highlight this year!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Classic Hondas on the Dragon 3 - No Honda Left Behind

I woke to the sounds of the Tuckasegee river bubbling and crashing over rocks and fallen trees, just yards from my tent.  It was still very early and only the glow of the rising sun over the mountains in the east illuminated my tent.  It was cold and I was still tired from my late arrival the night before, but none of that was going to dampen my spirits because it was the start of the Classic Hondas on the Dragon weekend.  CHD (Classic...

Thursday, November 9, 2017

2017 Mitty - Day 2: Sensory Overload

Having spent an extremely long but fantastic day on the Coker Tire Tour the day before, I was pretty much spent when I got up the next morning.  Things could not have gone better on the Tour and I was still so shocked at all the attention the CRX had received.  Incredibly, the attention was about to go to the next level.  Just as I was getting ready to leave Road Atlanta the day before, I was approached by two nice gentlemen from...